0476 2683973, 2683974, 9048 80 5500, 9048 81 5500

Anti Narcotic Cell

The Anti Narcotic Cell of MSNIMT Chavara acts to prevent the use of illicit drugs, their use and distribution among students. The club was started in the year. The main goal of anti narcotic cell is to enhance the students’ awareness and understanding of the harmful social and health effects of illicit drug use. The goal of the cell is to create a healthier community through coordinated efforts to prevent use, production and the distribution of illicit drugs. The Anti Narcotic Cell organises seminars, poster campaigns and rallies in order to spread awareness against the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. We keep close contact with the excise and police departments and arrange programs to make the students aware of the strong legal force working against narcotics and inculcate respect towards parents, teachers and the Indian judiciary.


  • To enable socially committed student community to work against the use of drugs and drug abuse
  • To ensure drug free campus
  • To organise community-based prevention programs and classes that aim to educate children and families about the ill effects of drug usage.

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